Q1. When will the product arrive?
The product will ship within 3 days of placing order. Depending on the shipping preference, the arrival time will be different. Home delivery on mainland Taiwan (3-5 days) Pickup at convenience store (2-4 days) Mailing outside mainland Taiwan (5-7 days)
Q2. What payment options are there?
- Credit Card (Visa, Master, JCB Credit Cards)
- ATM Transfers (Please pay within 48 Hours)
Q3. What type of delivery do you offer?
- Convenience Store Pick Up
- Home delivery by SF Express
Q4. How do I check my order?
After logging in, click on orders on the right side to check the detail
Q5. Will I be notified when the package is sent out?
We will notify you by email or SMS.
Q6. How long do I have to wait for preorder items?
Preorder items will typically ship out within 2-4 weeks. Please check the product description for more detail.
Q7. Do you have any physical locations?
We have 3 locations in Taipei. Please check the about us page for more details. We look forward to serving you .